• 云顶集团·3118acm

    联系电话 TEL:+86-10-8530 0530





    云顶集团·3118acm联合国际经济文化合作中心、中国亚经协云顶集团·3118acm国际合作委员会(简称 “云顶集团·3118acm国际”)是由中国亚洲经济发展协会和中国产业海外发展协会共同成立的国际经济文化交流合作平台,总部位于北京。

    云顶集团·3118acm国际与有关国际机构和欧洲、亚洲等有关国家政府、议会、社团、企业建立了良好的关系 ;在海外成立了东南亚区域总部(地址:吉隆坡)、印度尼西亚代表处、阿联酋代表 处、马来西亚代表处、俄罗斯代表处、韩国代表处、德国代表处、加拿大代表处、柬埔寨代表处, 在东京、 新加坡、德黑兰、曼谷等地设立事务所,在上海、深圳、香港、杭州、南京、成都、天津、郑 州、西安、青岛、合肥、沈阳、常州、长春、哈尔滨、广州、南宁等地设立办事处;设立由有关国家前高 级官员和有关领域国内外权威人士(院士)组成的国际专家顾问委员会。 其发起单位拥有大量行业优秀会员。 

    云顶集团·3118acm国际秉持“守正创新,济世泽物”理念,积极响应并服务国家“一带一路”倡议、“双循环”新发展格局,积极参与国际经济文化交流,致力于增进国际友谊,服务人民群众 , 聚力国际经贸合作、科技产业投资、特色金融服务领域,以及为政府、组织机构、企业搭建桥梁, 推进合作,达至共赢。


    Eurasia United International Economic and Cultural Cooperation Center (hereinafter referred to as “EUIEC” ), based in Beijing, is an international exchange and cooperation, industrial investment, and financial service platform co-sponsored and established by China-Asia Economic Development Association and China Overseas Development Association . 

    Eurasia International Cooperation Committee of CAEDA (hereinafter referred to as "EUIEC") is a social organization engaged in international economic and cultural exchange and cooperation initiated by the Eurasia United International Economic and Cultural Cooperation Center, with its headquarters in Beijing. 

    EUIEC has established good relations with international organizations and relevant governments, parliaments, associations and enterprises in Europe and Asia. It has established Southeast Asia regional headquarters (in Kuala Lumpur),  Indonesia Representative Office, United Arab Emirates Representative Office, Malaysia Representative Office,Russia Representative Office, Korea Representative Office, Germany Representative Office, Canada Representative Office and Cambodia Representative Office. It has set up offices in Tokyo, Singapore, Tehran, Bangkok, etc. as well as offices in Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Chengdu, Tianjin, Zhengzhou, Xi'an, Qingdao, Hefei, Shenyang, Changzhou, Changchun, Harbin, Guangzhou, Nanning ,etc. It has established an International Experts Advisory Committee, which is composed of senior officials and domestic and foreign authorities (academicians). The sponsor units of EUIEC have a large number of excellent enterprise members. 

    EUIEC adheres to the vision of ” Benefit the people” , with the concept of co-construction and sharing, the spirit of innovation and perseverance. It actively responses to and serves “the Belt and Road Initiative and “Dual Circulation” new development pattern and participates in international economic and cultural exchanges. EUIEC is committed to enhancing international friendship and serving peoples. It builds a bridge of exchange and win-win cooperation for governments, organizations and enterprises in international cooperation,industrial service and financial service.